Minister Emma Bonino’s International Criminal Justice Day message
Today, 17 July, we celebrate International Criminal Justice Day, dedicated to a fundamental tool for the promotion of legality, defence of human rights and punishment of criminals who undermine peaceful co-existence among peoples. On 17 July 1998 the International Criminal Court statute was adopted in Rome: an event that many compared in historic importance to […]
Read moreThe Day of International Criminal Justice to be celebrated on 17 July.
Website of the International Criminal Court –
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A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY TO LIVE AND WORK IN ITALY: GET TO KNOW THE COUNTRY AND ITS PEOPLE, LEARN THE LANGUAGE AND IMMERSE YOURSELF IN THE LIFESTYLE!The Italy-Canada Working Holiday ProgramThe youth exchange “Working Holiday” program allows young Canadians between the ages of 18 and 35 to spend up to twelve months in Italy, where they […]
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Firenze 09 May 2013 (Please check against actual speech delivered) President of Bulgaria, Rosen Plevneliev, President of Tuscany Region, Enrico Rossi, Mayor of Florence, Matteo Renzi, President of the European University Institute, Marise Cremona, Former Italian Prime Ministers and Ministers, Ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to take the floor at this prestigious State of […]
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Roma 29 April 2013 Interim Foreign Minister Mario Monti leaves post to Ministro Emma BoninoThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs changed hands this morning, with interim minister Mario Monti leaving his post to Minister Emma Bonino. The ceremony offered an opportunity for a cordial encounter, extended also to the upper echelons of the foreign ministry, and […]
Read moreMessage and oath before the Chambers by the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano
Chamber of Deputies 22/04/2013 Madame Speaker, honourable deputies, honourable senators, delegates from the Regions, First of all, allow me to express – together with what for me is a very deeply felt tribute to the institutions you represent – the gratitude I owe you for having elected me President of the Republic by such […]
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(in translation) L’Ambasciatore Gian Lorenzo Cornado ha presentato oggi le lettere credenziali al Governatore Generale del Canada, On. David Johnson. A seguito del perfezionamento della procedura di accreditamento presso le autorita’ canadesi, l’Amb. Cornado ha voluto indirizzare un messaggio alla comunita’ italiana in Canada. MESSAGGIO DELL’AMBASCIATORE GIAN LORENZO CORNADO ALLA COMUNITA’ ITALIANA Carissimi amici della […]
Read moreArrival of the Head of Mission-designate
The Ambassador-designate, Gian Lorenzo Cornado, arrived today in Ottawa, accompanied by his spouse, Martine. Ambassador-designate Cornado now heads the Embassy after having already served in Canada as First Secretary in Ottawa (1987-1992) and as Consul General, as well as Permanent Representative to ICAO, in Montreal (2000-2004).
Read morePrime Minister and interim Minister for Foreign Affairs Mario Monti installed this morning at the foreign ministry in Rome
Roma 27 March 2013Prime Minister and interim Minister for Foreign Affairs Mario Monti was installed this morning at the foreign ministry in Rome, where he met with Secretary General Michele Valensise. Premier Monti was accompanied by his diplomatic advisor, Pasquale Terracciano, as of today also Head of the Interim Minister’s Private Office.
Read more“Willy Brandt” Lecture by the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano “Towards Political Union: the process of shaping a European Leadership”
Berlino, 01/03/2013 My warm thanks to Professor Olbertz for his words and the welcome extended to me in this historic University, which has become a cornerstone of the debate on Europe. I have already in the past been given a generous welcome here, and my words a warm reception. I am grateful to President […]
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