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Iraq – Gentiloni to al-Jaafari: Italy stands by your side

“We are standing by you while Mosul is being liberated and we will continue to be by your side through the post-Daesh stabilisation process. Italy intends to keep its commitment in the region, by supporting the Baghdad Government and the anti-ISIL coalition through the carrying out of crucially important activities, such as the restructuring of the Mosul dam, the training of local police corps and the stabilisation of liberated areas.”Minister Gentiloni made this statement today at the Farnesina, where he met with his Iraqi counterpart, Ibrahim al-Eshaiker al Jafaari.

The development of military operations for the liberation of Mosul – “The victory of Mosul is a victory for all of us and also for Italy,” said al-Jaafari – and the post-Daesh political settlements were the main themes on the meeting’s agenda. Mr Gentiloni confirmed to Mr al-Jaafari the need for an inclusive approach capable of reaching out to all ethnic-religious components. He also highlighted the Italian effort to provide the Country with humanitarian assistance: over 20 million euros were donated in 2014, to which 30 million euros more will be added in the 2016-2018 period, a preferential credit amounting to 360 million euros and the traditional Italian engagement in the protection, retrieval and enhancement of the archaeological and cultural heritage of Iraq.