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Referendum: overseas voting operations close at 4 p.m. local time on 1 December

In relation to news published on the press and circulated on social media, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs intends to specify that overseas voting operations close at 4 p.m. local time on 1 December.

Although it is true that the relevant Law provides that the voter send the envelope containing the ballot sheet with the vote “by no later than the tenth day prior to the date established for the vote in Italy (Art. 12, Para. 6, Law 459/2001) – in this case, no later than 24 November – this deadline is merely regulatory and not peremptory, as is specified in the following article, which states that consular offices must send to Italy “the envelopes in any way received no later than 4 p.m., local time, on the Thursday prior to the date established for the vote in Italy (Art. 12, Para. 7, Law 459/2001), in this case precisely the 1st of December.

Overseas voters are kindly requested to follow the instructions on the information sheet contained in the envelope sent by the Consulate and to ignore any information contradicting said instructions.