With reference to the information released by the press and social media on the delivery procedures of voting materials to Italians living abroad for the upcoming Constitutional Referendum on Dec. 4, in accordance with Act n. 459/2001 (art. 12 par. 3), Farnesina officials have specified the following:
– A possible double vote would be immediately detectable during the vote count and would consequently be nullified, as the voter’s code would appear twice. The same Act has envisaged such possibilities and sanctions as per art. 14, par. 3, letter c. Voters have been informed of the double vote issue by means of a notice included in the information leaflet contained in the electoral envelope. The Consular offices have been informed that, for every case of double voting detected, they will have to notify the individuals concerned about the warning, and in compliance with the law, provide prepaid postage for the return of the duplicate envelope.
– Art. 5 of D.P.R. n. 104/2003 (Regulation for the enforcement of Act n. 459/2001) foresees reporting and disseminating data data to all voters only for political-electoral purposes. The lists published are inequivocal, hence the referendum committees have the same addresses found in the Consular offices.
– Voters who do not receive the envelope by 20 November can apply for a duplicate envelope at the relevant Consular office.
– Electoral envelopes will not contain any propaganda material.
– The referendum voting ballot contained in the electoral envelope must neither be signed nor stamped by the Consulate. As established by art. 14 of Act n. 459/2001, the relevant slot on the rear of the ballot must bear the stamp of the polling station placed by the vice-president of the relevant station during the vote counting procedures.
– The voter who receives the envelope is called to cast his/her vote personally, as specified on the information leaflet contained in the electoral envelope. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Consular offices abroad have the obligation of notifying upon the detection of any electoral offence.